
04 October 2022 |Uncategorized
The 2023 AGM will be held in Kings Chambers Manchester, Kings Chambers Leeds and by Zoom at 18:00 on 13/09/23. Members and associates should have received details of venue, agenda and relevant reports. Please contact info@northernmediators if you are a...
04 October 2022 |Uncategorized
Arabella Tresillian kindly gave permission to repost her wonderful description of the webinar by Margaret Doyle on 15 May 2023. Margaret Doyle gave a fascinating seminar on this emerging field. Here are some takeaways and thoughts from me following the seminar:...
04 October 2022 |ANM News|CPD
A full and fulfilling time at the ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN MEDIATORS Summer School at High Trenhouse in North Yorkshire. Michael Lang and Ava Abramowitz designed a thought provoking programme on reflecting on our practice. What opened our eyes was the input from the wonderful Huthwaite International Team Tony Hughes,...
04 October 2022 |Uncategorized
The Civil Mediation Council Elections end on 5 June. If you are a member of the CMC be sure to use your vote!

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